
Copy Objects

Learn how to copy and move objects

Copy objects

You can copy objects between buckets or within the same bucket. Currently only objects up to 5 GB can be copied using the API.

When making a copy of an object, the owner of the new object will be the user who initiated the copy operation.

Copying objects within the same bucket

To copy an object within the same bucket, use the copy method.

await'avatars').copy('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png')

Copying objects across buckets

To copy an object across buckets, use the copy method and specify the destination bucket.

await'avatars').copy('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png', {
destinationBucket: 'avatars2',

Move objects

You can move objects between buckets or within the same bucket. Currently only objects up to 5GB can be moved using the API.

When moving an object, the owner of the new object will be the user who initiated the move operation. Once the object is moved, the original object will no longer exist.

Moving objects within the same bucket

To move an object within the same bucket, you can use the move method.

const { data, error } = await
.move('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png')

Moving objects across buckets

To move an object across buckets, use the move method and specify the destination bucket.

await'avatars').move('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png', {
destinationBucket: 'avatars2',


For a user to move and copy objects, they need select permission on the source object and insert permission on the destination object. For example:

create policy "User can select their own objects (in any buckets)"
on storage.objects
for select
to authenticated
using (
owner_id = (select auth.uid())
create policy "User can upload in their own folders (in any buckets)"
on storage.objects
for insert
to authenticated
with check (
(storage.folder(name))[1] = (select auth.uid())